LLOYD WRIGHT SIGNED LETTER – to: MIKE WALLACE (THE MIKE WALLACE INTERVIEWS – CBS) THE “HOLY-GRAIL” OF SIGNED LETTERS. MIKE WALLACE interviews FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: (circa; 1959). Any “Advocate/Admirer” of FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT. Have been noted as one of finest moments in the history of television. Were the questions “rehearsed”? This letter proves that Wright knew of the basic topics tp be discussed and what to expect. Offered for your consideration is a. That “Speaks for Itself”. MIKE WALLACE interviews FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: (circa; 1959) LISTING INCLUDES : C. THE RAAB COLLECTION – DVD – FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT : THE MIKE WALLACE INTERVIEWS : 52 min. MIKE WALLACE – “BETWEEN YOU AND ME” – “A MEMOIR w/ Paul Gates” INCLUDES 82 min. DVD of Wallace’s most Famous Interviews. ENTIRE UNCENSORED – 22 PAGE TRANSCRIPT (word by word – of the Interview) – HARRY RANSOM CENTER – The University of Texas at Austin – COLLECTIONS B oth Interviews: (9/1/57 and 9/28/57). THE FOLLOWING IS A SYNOPSIS OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN. In 1926 Solomon R. Guggenheim, a member of a wealthy mininig family, had been collecting works of the old masters since the 1890′s. He then met artist HILLA VON REBAY, who introduced him to European avant-garde art that she felt had a spiritual and utopian aspect (non-objective art). Guggenheim completely changed his collecting stategy, turning to the work of Wassily Kandinsky, among others. As the collection grew, Guggenheim and Rebay initially considered building a museum at Rockefeller Center in Manhattan. By the early 1940s, the foundation had accumulated such a large collection of avant-garde paintings that the need for a permanent museum building had become apparent. Rebay wanted to establish the permanent building before the octogenarian Guggenheim died. In 1943, Rebay and Guggenheim wrote a letter to Frank Lloyd Wright asking him to design a structure to house and display the collection. Rebay thought the 76-year-old Wright was dead, but Guggenheiim’s wife Irene Rothschild Guggenheim knew better and suggested that Rebay contact him. Wright accepted the opportunity to experiment with his “organic” style in an urban settiing, sayiing that he had never seen a museum that was properly designed. Wright was hired to design the building in June 1943. Rebay had conceived of a space that would facilitate a new way of looking at modern art. She wrote to Wright that each of these great masterpieces should be organiized into space, and only you… Would test the possibilities to do so. I want a temple of spirit, a monument! It took Wright 15 years, more than 700 sketches, and six sets of Working Drawings to create and complete the Museum, after a series of difficulties and delays; the cost eventually doubled from the initial estimate. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT CONFERS wiith HILLA von REBAY and SOLOMON GUGGENHEIM ABOUT THE FUTURE GUGGENHEIIM MUSEUM (THESE 2 PHOTOS/REPRINTS INCLUDED – UNFRAMED). (Good Luck TREASURE HUNTERS). To see my other Listings as you very well may find more TREASURES.
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