Frank Lloyd Wright ALS matted and framed to Lewis Mumford 61 x 37 cm. ; Discusses the Guggenheim Museum. Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd Title: Frank Lloyd Wright ALS matted and framed to Lewis Mumford 61 x 37 cm. ; Discusses the Guggenheim Museum Publication: Taliesin: November 9, 1931. Typed letter, 45 x 20 cm. To friend and architectural critic, Lewis Mumford. My dear Lewis: I’ve read `The Brown Decade’ you so kindly sent me and it is a useful work in your splendid style. I didn’t agree in total but admire and respect…… The Guggenheim has asked me for a recommendation for the new work she wants to do and I gave my best – but wrote her what I though of her thesis. You know what I must think about that. Enclosed is a copy of what I think about it for your files if you care for it. ” Wright would later accept the contract to build the Guggenheim three years later in 1943: Hilla Rebay, the curator stated to Wright that he wanted to build, “A temple of spirit, a monument. ” The balance of the letter notes his apology to Mumford for missing a meeting with him, his reading of Mumford’s critique of the Metropolitan Museum in the New Yorker Magazine, an invitation to Mumford to visit that winter: and perhaps most poignantly — “And Lewis, please don’t ever fall out with me. I should be afraid of you. Fine condition, matted and gilt framed — suitable for hanging. Subject: Architecture, Social Life. Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of America. International League of Antiquarian Booksellers. Members, specializing in General Antiquarian, Book Arts, Architecture, Literature, Travel and Natural History. This listing was created by Bibliopolis.